What types of dental bridges are available?

2017-02-17T17:33:36+00:00By |

There are several types, and which one we recommend depends on where it will go in your mouth, your bite and also the aesthetic and functional considerations. A bridge will keep teeth from drifting into the space created by a missing tooth, helping preserve normal function and a normal bite for the jaw joint. [...]

What is a dental bridge?

2017-02-17T17:57:50+00:00By |

Bridges are the traditional way of replacing missing teeth. A dental bridge is a false tooth, fused between two porcelain crowns to fill in the area left by a missing tooth. The two crowns holding it in place are attached to teeth on each side of the false tooth.

Why do I need a crown?

2017-02-17T17:58:05+00:00By |

Dental crowns improve the structure of the tooth. As time goes by, it’s not unusual to find our teeth are no longer structurally sound. Things like lost fillings, decay, chipping and cracking of the enamel can all lead to large-scale problems in a tooth’s surface. If the whole surface of the tooth is problematic [...]

What is dental crowns?

2017-02-17T17:58:19+00:00By |

Crowns are coverings for the entire visible part of the tooth. They are used when teeth are broken; old and large fillings are lost; teeth are badly decayed or severely discolored. They improve the appearance of your natural teeth and can brighten your smile. National Dental Care offers both porcelain and gold materials, taking [...]

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